House debates

Monday, 19 August 2024


Future Made in Australia Bill 2024, Future Made in Australia (Omnibus Amendments No. 1) Bill 2024; Second Reading

3:34 pm

Photo of Sam RaeSam Rae (Hawke, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

The Albanese Labor government is determined to see Australia become a nation that makes more things here, a nation that creates jobs and opportunities for all and a nation that stands strong in the face of global economic challenges. It's what brings the members of this government to Canberra. It's what brings an illustrious intellect such as the member for Parramatta to the floor of this parliament to sit by my side as I attentively absorb his contribution. For too long we have seen industries and jobs leave our shores, weakening our economic base and leaving Australians vulnerable. The Albanese Labor government is committed to reversing that trend. We are investing in Australian manufacturing, technology and innovation, ensuring that our economy is resilient, diverse and future focused.

The Future Made in Australia plan is about building an economy that works for everyone. It's about making sure that every Australian has the opportunity to benefit from our collective growth and prosperity. We have the opportunity to build a nation that doesn't just survive but excels in a competitive global economy. For too long our economy has relied heavily on exporting raw materials and importing finished goods. This has left us vulnerable to global market fluctuations and has meant that many of the high-paying jobs associated with these industries have gone offshore. The Albanese Labor government is determined to turn this around. The Future Made in Australia plan is about reclaiming our position as a country that not only provides raw materials but also produces high-quality products. It's about strengthening our industrial base, supporting local businesses and ensuring that Australia is more self-reliant and economically secure in the future.

We're making targeted investments in areas where Australia has a natural advantage, whether it's in manufacturing, critical materials or technology sectors. We believe in building a diverse and robust economy that can withstand the challenges of tomorrow. This is a vision for a prosperous and independent Australia that makes more things here and creates opportunities all across our great nation. A resilient economy is one that is built on diversity, innovation and self-reliance. By expanding our industrial base and reducing our dependency on international supply chains, we're not only strengthening our economy but also safeguarding it against global uncertainties. The Future Made in Australia plan will see significant investment in industries such as advanced manufacturing and minerals processing. These are sectors that have the potential to create thousands of good, high-paying jobs and position Australia is a global leader in innovation and production.

For our national interest framework, we're aligning economic incentives with the national interest. This ensures that the benefits of public investments flow back into communities, creating local jobs and opportunities. We're not just talking about creating jobs; we're talking about creating secure, well-paid jobs that offer skills development and stability for Australian workers.

Australia was once known for its strong manufacturing sector, but, over the years, we've seen a decline as production moved offshore. It's time now to reverse this trend. The Future Made in Australia plan is focused on bringing manufacturing back to our shores, creating jobs, boosting innovation and supporting Australian businesses. Our vision includes making Australia a leader in advanced manufacturing where we can produce the high-tech goods that the entire world's economy is demanding. Whether it's in electronics, medical devices or machinery, Australian manufacturers have the skills and expertise to compete globally. We're providing the support they need to grow and thrive, from access to capital and cutting-edge research to workforce development and infrastructure investment. By investing in our manufacturing capabilities, we're ensuring that Australia can produce the goods we need domestically, reducing reliance on imports and creating a stronger, more self-sufficient economy. This is about making sure that Australians benefit from the jobs and economic growth that come from a revitalised manufacturing sector.

A future made in Australia requires a workforce that is ready for the challenges of tomorrow. That's why we're investing in skills and training programs that will equip Australians with the knowledge and expertise they need to thrive in a changing economy. From advanced manufacturing to new technologies, the jobs of the future will require new skills. We're working with educational institutions, industry and unions to ensure that our training programs are aligned with the needs of our economy. This is about giving Australians the tools they need to succeed and ensuring that no-one is left behind as our economy evolves.

We're also focused on making education and training more accessible. By investing in local training facilities and programs, we're ensuring that all Australians have the opportunity to develop the skills they need, no matter where they live. This is how we will build a more inclusive and equitable economy—one that benefits all Australians.

At the heart of the Future Made in Australia plan is a commitment to our people. We understand that a thriving economy must be one that benefits everyone, not just the select few. That's why our plan is focused on creating opportunities for every Australian, no matter where they live or what their background might be. This means investing in local communities all across our country, ensuring that they have the infrastructure, the skills training and the support that is needed to participate in and benefit from our nation's growth. It means supporting local businesses and ensuring that they can access the markets and opportunities that they need to succeed. It means making sure that the jobs we create are secure, are well-paid and offer real career development opportunities.

Our commitment to communities also extends to ensuring that the economic benefits of this plan are shared fairly. We've established community benefit principles that guide our investments, ensuring that they create strong returns for local communities, local workers and local businesses. We're promoting safe and secure jobs, developing skilled and inclusive workforces, and engaging positively with local communities for gross economic benefit.

Australia is home to some of the brightest minds in the world. I'm sure the member for Parramatta would agree. Yet too often we've seen our innovations commercialised overseas because of a lack of support at home. The Future Made in Australia plan changes that by fostering innovation and ensuring that Australian ideas are turned into Australian jobs and products.

We're investing in research and development, supporting start-ups and encouraging collaboration between businesses and government. By doing so, we're creating an ecosystem that nurtures innovation and turns great ideas into commercial successes. Whether it's in technology, health care or manufacturing, Australia has the potential to lead the world in innovation, and we're providing the support needed to make that happen.

Our focus on innovation isn't just about new products. It's about improving productivity, increasing competitiveness and ensuring that Australian businesses can succeed on the global stage. This is how we will build a more prosperous future for all Australians.

In an increasingly interconnected world, Australia must ensure its place as a leader in the global economy. The Future Made in Australia plan is designed to do just that, by focusing on sectors where we can compete and win on the world stage. We're not just investing in industries of the future. We're also strengthening our trade relationships and ensuring that Australian businesses have the support they need to access international markets. By building strong supply chains and enhancing export capabilities, we're ensuring that Australian-made products are sought after all around the world.

This isn't just about boosting exports. It's about ensuring that Australia is a country that adds value, creates high-quality products and is competitive in the global marketplace. We're providing the tools and support that Australian businesses need and, in doing so, we're creating the jobs and the economic opportunities that our communities need right here at home.

The Future Made in Australia Bill 2024 supports Australia's path to net zero. But, more than that, it will help to realise our potential to become a renewable energy superpower, securing Australia's place in a changing global landscape. This bill is about combining the might of Australian industry, energy, resources, skills and investment to build a stronger, more diversified and resilient economy, and a better future for all Australians.


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