House debates

Monday, 19 August 2024

Private Members' Business

Technical and Further Education

11:30 am

Photo of Tracey RobertsTracey Roberts (Pearce, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

As we begin National Skills Week, it is time to celebrate and acknowledge the importance of skills development and vocational education in Australia. This week we stand at a crossroads where our commitment to education and training meets the growing needs of industries crucial to our nation's future. There is no better example of this commitment than the fee-free TAFE program, a program designed to support Australians in gaining the skills they need to secure well-paid jobs in industries that are experiencing critical skills shortages. Since its inception on 1 January 2023, fee-free TAFE has already provided over half a million Australians with the opportunity to pursue education and training without the financial burden of tuition fees. That's half a million individuals, many from vulnerable and disadvantaged groups, who are now on the path to a brighter future, whether they're training to be care workers, tradies or technology specialists.

Beyond individual benefits, fee-free TAFE is about more than just education; it is a critical component in addressing the growing skills shortage in key sectors that are essential to our national growth and resilience. In particular, the care industry, technology and digital sectors, early childhood education and care, and construction are all facing substantial shortages that we must fill if we want to remain competitive on the global stage.

The results speak for themselves. In its first year alone, fee-free TAFE has supported over 355,000 student enrolments—almost double the initial target of 180,000 places. Enrolments across priority sectors have been especially strong, with over 120,000 in the care sector, over 45,000 in technology and digital, and 32,000 in early childhood education and construction. These aren't just numbers on a page; they represent real lives being transformed, real gaps being filled and real progress being made in securing our nation's future workforce.

As we launch the future fee-free TAFE, it's well on track to continue making an impact. Through an historic partnership with states and territories, the Albanese Labor government has committed over $1.5 billion to deliver 500,000 fee-free TAFE places between 2023 and 2026. This investment isn't just an expenditure; it's a down payment on a better Australia, one with a skilled workforce ready to meet the challenges of tomorrow.

We are proud that fee-free TAFE is not just addressing skills shortages but also targeting priority groups who have historically faced barriers to education and employment. Among those enrolled, along with 158,000 young people, are over 117,000 jobseekers, almost 35,000 people with disabilities and over 30,000 First Nations Australians. These are the individuals who need support the most, and fee-free TAFE is providing that support by removing financial barriers and offering them a path to secure, fulfilling careers. But let's be clear. This isn't just about statistics and policies; it's about real savings for everyday Australians. Students training in critical fields like childhood education and civil construction have saved thousands of dollars thanks to fee-free TAFE.

While we celebrate the success of fee-free TAFE, it's important to acknowledge that not everyone shares this vision. In fact, the Deputy Leader of the Opposition has described fee-free TAFE as wasteful spending. Yet the evidence is clear. Fee-free TAFE is not only providing Australians with the skills they need to get ahead but also strengthening the workforce in industries that are desperate for qualified workers. What is even more concerning is that the opposition has offered no alternative plan. At a time when Australia faces critical shortages in key industries, they have refused to support additional fee-free TAFE and VET places.

Every Australian deserves a chance to secure a well-paid, stable job with career progression. Every industry vital to our future deserves the workforce it needs to thrive. That is why we have put TAFE at the heart of our vocational educational and training sector. We understand that a strong VET sector is key to providing Australians with the training they need to secure a brighter future. By working with the states and territories to deliver fee-free TAFE, we're ensuring that our investment is reaching those who need it the most, and that is having a real impact on addressing the skills shortages that we face.

As we begin National Skills Week, let us celebrate the transformative power of education and training; let us commit to continuing to build a strong, resilient and skilled workforce; and let us stand firm in our belief that investing in the skills of our people is the surest way to invest in the future of Australia.


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