House debates

Monday, 19 August 2024

Statements by Members

Nicholls Electorate: Multiculturalism

4:17 pm

Photo of Sam BirrellSam Birrell (Nicholls, National Party) Share this | Hansard source

I thought it would be timely to make a few comments about multiculturalism. I believe, given where I'm from, I have some contributions to make. In my maiden speech I said:

… the electorate of Nicholls is, I believe, one of the most successful examples of multiculturalism in the world. People from all over have made their way to this region, often coming with nothing, and they have made extraordinary lives.

We've had waves of migration from southern Europe, even going back to prewar. An Albanian mosque was built in Shepparton in the late 1950s. There are a number of different faith groups and a number of different nationalities that come and are part of the bigger story which is Greater Shepparton. Often they came because there was work available. I also said in my maiden speech:

My observation as a member of this community is that we seem to do better when we celebrate each other's different cultural identity but moreover embrace each other's humanity, the humanity being a stronger bond between us than any divisions that tend to be amplified by race, gender, sexual orientation or religious view.

I think this multiculturalism, this great success that we've had, is threatened if we call each other names such as 'racist' and make baseless allegations and if we don't get the security settings of immigration right. Long live multiculturalism in the Goulburn Valley. (Time expired)


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