House debates

Monday, 19 August 2024

Questions without Notice

Middle East: Migration

2:07 pm

Photo of Milton DickMilton Dick (Speaker) Share this | Hansard source

I want to deal with character descriptions in general because this is a feature that keeps coming up time and time again, particularly with descriptors. I'm going to address the issue of character descriptions in questions. These have been ruled out of order in the past, including by myself, and they're not appropriate. From now on, just so that everyone's clear, there will be no words in questions ascribing a character reference to a minister or prime minister. I'm giving clear warnings. I'm following earlier practice that was done by previous Speakers. I've taken this approach on 1 August. Speaker Smith took this approach on 18 March 2021, and Speaker Jenkins took this approach on 2 June 2021. Just so that everyone is crystal clear, including the Leader of the Opposition, if you put a character description at the end of the question it's going to be ruled out of order and we will move to the next question. Okay?


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