House debates

Wednesday, 21 August 2024

Statements by Members

National Disability Insurance Scheme

1:38 pm

Photo of Andrew WilkieAndrew Wilkie (Clark, Independent) Share this | Hansard source

I rise on behalf of James Newell, a valued member of the Clark community who recently interned in my office. James, a young man with high-functioning autism, is dedicated to advocating for reform of the NDIS. James tells me that the NDIS has become focused on fixing individuals with disabilities rather than on supporting them. He explains that this causes him significant stress because any progress he makes in life could result in a cut to the very services responsible for his success. Moreover, the increasing costs of services terrifies James. He describes squeezing the services he needs into an ever-diminishing pool of funding until some are squeezed out, including support to attend social events that help him maintain friendships. In his words, this leaves him with, 'No support, no pillars, no life.'

James has enormous potential when given the right support. The NDIS helps him 'be an active member of Australia's great society'. Indeed, research from Per Capita shows that every dollar spent on the NDIS returns $2.25 to the economy. The contribution James can make is something I saw firsthand when he worked in my office. So, on James's behalf, I call on the government to meaningfully reform the NDIS so that people with a disability can reach their full potential.


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