House debates

Wednesday, 21 August 2024

Statements by Members

Future Made in Australia

1:58 pm

Photo of Tania LawrenceTania Lawrence (Hasluck, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

The coalition are just starting to realise that the Albanese government's Future Made in Australia policy is not just good; it's pretty popular too. The students up here in the gallery will know that. We know it's starting to bite when the member for Fairfax comes in here and says that he doesn't like the name of the bill. Well, too bad! It's a framework for a future made in Australia. If the coalition had spent any of the last two years on policy development rather than on their silly nuclear fantasy, then they could have had their own vision of a future made in Australia, but they don't. Instead, they can't accept the science. Instead, the member for Mallee thinks green hydrogen, which is starting to be manufactured all around the world, is still experimental. Instead, the member for Riverina thinks we are rushing to renewables, as though that's a bad thing, and he reckons we need to have another look at the coalition's three-eyed nuclear red herring. Instead, the member for Hume, without any shame, tries to use the term 'pork-barrelling', on which he could write a book. Instead, the member for Hinkler thinks that a national interest framework is no basis for decision-making!


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