House debates

Wednesday, 21 August 2024

Questions without Notice

Gambling Advertising

2:11 pm

Photo of Anthony AlbaneseAnthony Albanese (Grayndler, Australian Labor Party, Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source

I am being relevant, not based upon hypotheticals but based upon what we have actually done, most of which I assume was supported by the member for Goldstein and supported by most members of this chamber. We have said that the status quo regarding the saturation of gambling advertising is untenable, and those are issues that we are working through. We have done all of this. We have launched BetStop, which has meant that 27,000 Australians have now registered as of 31 July. That is 27,000 Australian families who will benefit directly now, today, not some decades ago, which I acknowledge has been an issue. People used to gamble at the SP bookies around the corner from where I grew up. Gambling has changed in its nature, but it is still around.

The new minimum classifications that were done for videogames have made a difference. There are different taglines—very different from the ones that we inherited, which just said, 'Gamble responsibly.' What does that mean? Now they clearly indicate, 'If you gamble, you will lose,' and they point towards the opportunity cost of spending money on gambling rather than on other things. (Time expired)


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