House debates

Wednesday, 21 August 2024

Questions without Notice

National Security

2:25 pm

Photo of Anthony AlbaneseAnthony Albanese (Grayndler, Australian Labor Party, Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source

I'm certainly speaking about the political expediency of those opposite—political expediency that isn't concerned about cost-of-living pressures, that's not concerned about jobs, that's not concerned about wages, that's not concerned about our economy, that's not concerned about social policy, that's not concerned about the environment or tackling climate change or any of the issues that Australians are talking about in their households. It is more concerned about the Middle East than Middle Australia. This exposes their political expediency, because they don't have an agenda. They're yet to come up with a single costed policy. I think that people will be having a look at this bloke, who, ever since he walked into the parliament as a new member, has always looked to divide, has always looked to bring Australians apart, not to bring Australians together. Even when he has left this parliament, as he did during the apology, it was all about divisions—and then he apologised for it. He said that Lebanese migration was a mistake under the Fraser government, and then he said he apologised for it. It's just that he apologised to Annabel Crabb, not to anyone in the Lebanese community. He hasn't yet apologised to Africans in Melbourne, for when he said that people couldn't get out. He continually looks to pretend that he is so strong, but nastiness is not strength. Punching down on vulnerable people is not strength. But that is what this bloke does. It shows Australia who he really is every day.


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