House debates

Wednesday, 21 August 2024

Matters of Public Importance

Renewable Energy

3:31 pm

Photo of Barnaby JoyceBarnaby Joyce (New England, National Party, Shadow Minister for Veterans' Affairs) Share this | Hansard source

On the positive side, they're starting to fall over. Doughboy Mountain has fallen over, and Watsons Creek. As people are becoming aware of their legal liability, they're pulling out. Today, in the renew economy, we have two new ones, Carisbrook and Morgan, falling over. All of a sudden, there's the realisation of this swindle, of this rip-off, of this infliction on the people who are doing it tough. We have people in our area who are off the grid. Power prices went up by six per cent in the last quarter. If they hadn't had their so-called subsidies, it would have been more than 12 per cent. That is a sign of complete and utter disaster, which is the Labor Party's power policy.

The other day, the Prime Minister, when I said that if it were a success, it would have manufacturers lined up to come into Australia, quoted Siemens and Krups. They're not coming to Australia; they're exporting vehicles to Australia. This is it. We are hurting poor people. We are driving our economy into the dirt, and we are inflicting a blight on regional people that urban areas would never, ever accept.


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