House debates

Monday, 9 September 2024


Future Made in Australia Bill 2024; Consideration in Detail

4:09 pm

Photo of Milton DickMilton Dick (Speaker) Share this | Hansard source

The member for Lyons is not in his seat, first of all. Just to assist the member for Casey: we have moved past the detailed amendment stage, the time for back-and-forth questions. The question before the House is that the bill as amended be agreed to. Whilst there is no standing order preventing a member debating—

Order! We don't need commentary. We have gone through a series of detailed amendments, one by one, through the crossbench and now through the government. We've finished the detailed amendment stage. We just voted on the final stage of detailed amendments from the government. If there are extra detailed amendments, have they been circulated and have they been—

Member for Petrie, I understand where you're coming from. Just so you're clear: with consideration in detail, when the Treasurer is going back and forth and answering questions regarding detailed amendments, that is detailed amendments before the House. We've finished the detailed amendments. I don't think the member for Casey has detailed amendments; he has questions. Those are two different things, detailed amendments and questions. Where we're at in the stage of dealing with the bill is that we've agreed with all of the amendments. So the question now is that this bill as amended be agreed to.

Under the standing orders that can occur. There is no prohibition on that.

Member for Petrie, we're just going to handle this in a systematic way.


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