House debates

Monday, 9 September 2024


Health Care

7:35 pm

Photo of Tracey RobertsTracey Roberts (Pearce, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

I rise today speak to a matter that touches each of us deeply—the health and wellbeing of our electorates, which resonates for me in my community of Pearce. As we all know, good health is fundamental to our quality of life, and ensuring access to comprehensive and timely medical care is essential. Today, I want to highlight the remarkable progress we have made in enhancing healthcare access, as we celebrate our current facilities and underscore the urgent need for continued expansion to meet the growing demands of our rapidly expanding region.

The Albanese Labor government has invested significantly in expanding urgent care services through the establishment of Medicare urgent care clinics across the nation. This initiative is a strategic move to alleviate the pressure on hospital emergency departments, allowing them to focus on the most critical, life-threatening conditions. To date, 58 Medicare urgent care clinics have been launched, with an additional 29 announced in the latest federal budget. In Western Australia, we have seen the establishment of seven Medicare urgent care clinics, including, in my Pearce electorate, the Ocean Keys Family Practice in Clarkson. This facility, which began operations in August 2023, is a prime example of how urgent care is being redefined. By providing bulk billed walk-in care seven days a week, this clinic offers a vital service for treating non-life-threatening conditions that would otherwise crowd emergency rooms.

These urgent care clinics are more than just a convenience; they're a critical component of our healthcare system. They offer immediate care for issues like minor injuries, infections and other non-urgent conditions. This model not only improves patient outcomes by reducing waiting times but also prevents the overflow of cases into emergency rooms, ensuring that those with the most severe conditions receive the attention they need in a timely manner.

Turning to another exciting development, we welcomed and celebrated the official opening of the ECU Health Centre in Yanchep two weeks ago. This new facility represents a significant leap forward in our healthcare infrastructure. Located in the heart of Yanchep, in the most northern part of my Pearce electorate, this one-stop shop will provide a comprehensive range of services, including general practice, nursing and allied health as well as mental health support. This facility not only will address the current health needs of Yanchep and the surrounding suburbs as well as servicing the expending regional north but will be a hub for clinical training and research.

By integrating health service delivery with education opportunities, it will contribute to the development of the future health workforce, ensuring that our region is equipped with skilled professionals who can meet the demands of a fast-growing population. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to Professor Codie Rudd, from Edith Cowan University, who worked tirelessly for a number of years to bring this vision to reality. It was an absolute pleasure to work alongside Professor Rudd during this time.

Despite these advancements, we must acknowledge the challenges that remain. The northern corridor of Pearce is one of the fastest growing areas in Australia. This region is expected to see a population increase of nearly 300 per cent between 2024 and 2046, to nearly 38,000 residents. This extreme rapid growth brings with it a significant rise in demand for health services. While the ECU Health Centre in Yanchep is a crucial step forward, it is clear that we will need more facilities to adequately meet the needs of our expanding community. The demand for health care in Yanchep and the surrounding area is already high. Access to affordable, high-quality health services is not just a matter of convenience; it is a necessity for maintaining the health and wellbeing of our growing population.

Our existing health services have done an outstanding job of supporting our community, but we need to continue advocating for additional resources and facilities. In closing, we must continue to push for the expansion of our health services, and, with the support of the Albanese Labor government, we can ensure that facilities in the northern corridor of Pearce not only meet the health challenges of today but also are prepared for the demands of tomorrow.


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