House debates

Monday, 9 September 2024

Statements by Members

Labor Government: Agriculture Industry

1:55 pm

Photo of Michael McCormackMichael McCormack (Riverina, National Party, Shadow Minister for International Development and the Pacific) Share this | Hansard source

I refer to the Canberra Times article that at the time said: 'July 1, 1985, is likely to be remembered as the day when Australia's rural community re-emerged as a crucial political force.' The more things change, the more they stay the same. Indeed, the article also referred to how, speaking over noisy interjections, Mr Hawke—that was the Prime Minister—blamed previous Liberal and National Party federal governments for the high tax and cost structures faced by farmers today. He said the government was doing its best to ensure that farmers received a fair price for their produce on world markets and was aware of the need to contain costs in the rural sector. Yet Mr Hawke actually went and addressed that rally. There were 40,000 farmers out the front of Parliament House protesting against Labor government policies. My father never used to protest, but he did turn up to that one. He did turn up to that one. Politics, like life, is a test. It's a test of conviction. It's a test of character. It's a test of resolve. I know that the current Prime Minister has been invited to tomorrow's rally, but as yet his office has not responded to that invitation. Here's the test. Will he go out and address those brave farmers who've had their industry taken away from them? The $107 million to stop the industry—that's what the Treasurer had in his budget. Shame on the Treasurer. The Prime Minister should go and address that rally.


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