House debates

Monday, 9 September 2024

Questions without Notice

Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide

2:08 pm

Photo of Peter DuttonPeter Dutton (Dickson, Liberal Party, Leader of the Opposition) Share this | Hansard source

on indulgence—I thank the Prime Minister for his update to the House. On behalf of the shadow minister for veterans' affairs, the shadow minister for defence and all of my colleagues, I join with the government in what necessarily is a bipartisan response to one of the most critical issues facing our country. Our country, particularly because of the values we adhere to, should always treat with respect and dignity those who have served us in uniform, people who have left their families, parents and loved ones to go and fight in another part of the world.

When we remember back to those who came back from the Vietnam War, the shameful way in which our country treated those people on return had an enduring, scarring impact on them individually, on their families and on subsequent generations. When we think about the way in which we have provided support most recently to those who served in the Middle East, many, particularly on successive rotations, having been away from their loved ones and coming back from that high-impact service that they were performing in the Middle East, to expect them to lead a normal life, picking kids up from school or sport—all of that takes an enormous toll. The fact is that, over a long period of time, our country hasn't done well enough in providing support to those people.

I thank the Prime Minister for his words today. I thank all of those who have been involved in providing evidence to the royal commission. As the Prime Minister said, this will be impactful again today for many.

I was with the member for Herbert in Townsville only a week or so ago, speaking to some veterans up there about the impact on them—the way in which the services still don't do justice to the support that's required to help them through their mental and physical ailments.

Defence has let people down. The Department of Veterans' Affairs has let people down. Both sides of politics over a long period of time, despite the best of intent, have let these diggers down as well. So, in providing support to those who have given evidence and to those families who remain, we pay tribute to all of them.

I thank the families that I've met with over a long time, including the Halloran family but many others, whose stories will stay with us forever. We must do better in the future to provide support for those who serve us with great dignity and keep our name as a country so well-respected right throughout the world.


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