House debates

Monday, 9 September 2024

Questions without Notice


2:36 pm

Photo of Richard MarlesRichard Marles (Corio, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Defence) Share this | Hansard source

I thank the member for her question and acknowledge her service. Right now, the USS Hawaii, a Virginia class submarine, is undergoing intermediate-level maintenance at HMAS Stirling, at Rockingham, Western Australia. This is the first time that an American nuclear powered submarine has undergone maintenance outside of the US or a US base, and it's also the first time that non-US citizens have participated in the maintenance of such a submarine. This is a very significant moment.

As Australia evolves its capacity to operate Virginia class submarines and indeed its future submarines from HMAS Stirling, as it establishes the Submarine Rotational Force-West, a critical element of this will be building its ability to engage in the maintenance of these submarines in increasing complexity. That journey really starts with the USS Hawaii. It really is the biggest AUKUS moment this year.

On Monday, the Prime Minister and I were at HMAS Stirling, and we met American and Australian naval personnel working together on this project. We also met a number of employees of ASC, because this is a great opportunity for Western Australian defence industry. In time, we will see thousands of jobs created in Western Australia's naval industry, and it is why the government announced that we will be funding an additional 200 entry-level positions over the next two years at ASC—graduates, trainees and apprentices—so that ASC can have the skilled workforce that it needs but so, at the same time, this great opportunity can be presented to young Western Australians; it's jobs for subs.

AUKUS is happening. Real jobs are now being created, real progress is now being made and real capability is now being built. This is such a contrast to the thought bubble that we inherited from those opposite. When the Liberals were in government, they opened up a 10-year submarine capability gap, and right now that gap is being closed, as we speak, at HMAS Stirling. While the Liberals were all about defence hoopla, the Albanese Labor government is all about real defence action.


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