House debates

Wednesday, 11 September 2024

Constituency Statements

Canterbury Bankstown Torch, Eve's Apple

9:39 am

Photo of Linda BurneyLinda Burney (Barton, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Indigenous Australians) Share this | Hansard source

There was a time when the local newspaper was the fixture of front lawns across our suburbs. Often they'd fly out the window of a station wagon with varying degrees of accuracy. Local media has been there to cover the issues that matter to our communities, the ones bigger outlets weren't interested in.

Sadly, times have changed. After 104 years service to our community. The CanterburyBankstown Torch has printed its last newspaper. Both in my time in this place and as the member for Canterbury, the Torch gave me the platform to speak to constituents. More importantly it was a way for them to speak to me too. It was accessible and free. My team and I would like to thank the diligent editors, journalists and staff who have worked there over the years. Our community will miss you.

I would also like to acknowledge another fixture of my time as member for Barton. Eve Issa and her father, George, bought her brother's fruit shop under the Kogarah railway station 33 years ago. Like many successful small businesses, Eve's Apple quickly became central to the Kogarah community. Many stopped to buy fruit and veg fresh from the Sydney markets. Her four children more or less grew up in the shop. They helped Mum behind the till and setting up for the day. In sad news for the community, last week Eve sold the shop and has retired to her son's home in Greenacre. I can assure you it's a retirement she has absolutely earned along with her family. I appreciate her support during my time as local member and wish her a well-earned rest and a happy retirement.


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