House debates

Wednesday, 11 September 2024


Parliamentary Workplace Support Service Amendment (Independent Parliamentary Standards Commission) Bill 2024; Consideration in Detail

10:50 am

Photo of Patrick GormanPatrick Gorman (Perth, Australian Labor Party, Assistant Minister to the Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source

The government amendments were circulated to all members at 5.16 pm yesterday. They are now available for all members to debate. Despite the fact that they have gone through, I stood up here and introduced the explanatory memorandum. I didn't introduce the amendments, because they had already been circulated to members yesterday. Every member received on the NoticePaper and on the 'blue' that this debate was happening this morning. That has been clear for all members, and every member, be they crossbench, government or opposition, has had access to those amendments since 5.16 pm yesterday. I have been available to have conversations with any member who wishes to discuss them.


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