House debates

Thursday, 12 September 2024

Constituency Statements

Evans, Mr Robb

9:39 am

Photo of Peter KhalilPeter Khalil (Wills, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

I rise to celebrate a very remarkable individual whose dedication and advocacy has made and will make a profound impact on young lives battling eating disorders. It is an honour to congratulate Mr Robb Evans, a constituent and fearless advocate for better health outcomes for our youth. Robb has worked tirelessly, alongside Alfred Health, to secure an impressive $6.5 million in state government funding for an in-home intensive eating disorder early treatment program—something Robb has been so passionate about. This initiative is a game-changer, providing tailored support for young people, reducing hospital admissions and offering much-needed in-home care. And that's what Rob has pointed out to me over the years.

In August, Rob launched the first co-design workshop with Alfred Health, marking an exciting step forward in this journey. This is a testament to Rob's commitment to involve the community and experts in creating effective solutions for young people suffering from eating disorders. Rob's advocacy, as you can imagine, is deeply personal. It's in memory of his daughter, Liv, who tragically lost her battle with anorexia. As Rob told me, it was a battle with her mind, which she, sadly, eventually lost. And he has dedicated his time to making sure other families don't go through his incredible grief. Rob's courage and unwavering dedication to improving other young people's lives and health outcomes is truly admirable. He is a tirelessly hardworking champion for this cause.

Rob, your efforts have not gone unnoticed. Your work is a beacon of hope for many families and individuals struggling with eating disorders. I note that the member for Fisher, who has been very passionate about this, has also met with Rob Evans. As Rob said—and this is a key message for parents and friends—sometimes those comments that are made, mainly to young girls, which could be throw-away comments, are comments they just can't get out of their head and could be body shaming. I encourage all young people, even parents and friends, to be so careful with words. Once they're stuck in a young mind, words don't leave, and they become like an evil floating around in their brains that they can't get out.

Rob told me that if his daughter had had the opportunity to get support at home, he believed things could have been much different. Again, Rob, we thank you very much for the work you've done. You're an absolute champion.


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