House debates

Thursday, 12 September 2024

Statements by Members

Land Forces International Land Defence Exposition: Protests

1:57 pm

Photo of Jason WoodJason Wood (La Trobe, Liberal Party, Shadow Minister for Community Safety, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs) Share this | Hansard source

As a former Victorian police officer, I stand with all my former colleagues. The protests yesterday were absolutely disgusting, and no police member, whether they be a father, mother, son or daughter, should go to work and ever be treated like that. When it comes to this, one of the reasons the protesters do this is to put claims against Victorian police members, who are protecting our community. I urgently call on the Allan government to put legislation in place to indemnify police.

There were three groups of protesters yesterday: pro-Palestinian protestors, the Extinction Rebellion and Greens supporters—a combination of freaks, ferals and absolute idiots. How can the Victorian Greens now put a motion forward to put the Victorian police to an anticorruption commission inquiry? It's disgraceful. The Greens believe it is okay for a female police officer from the Mounted Branch have manure thrown at her. How disgusting is that! Other police members had acid thrown in their face, and 35 police members in total were assaulted. It's absolutely a crying shame to see this happen in Victoria.

Also, to the PM, please condemn the Greens for their action, support Victoria Police and their families and refuse to take preferences from the Greens before the next election. (Time expired)


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