House debates

Thursday, 12 September 2024

Questions without Notice

Albanese Government

2:20 pm

Photo of Anthony AlbaneseAnthony Albanese (Grayndler, Australian Labor Party, Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source

I think Australians understand that I lead a government that gets things done, that makes the difference, unlike the Greens political party, who are quite happy to have members of parliament attend demonstrations that are violent, that throw things at police, that engage in disruption. The big difference between a party of government and a party of protest is that we are responsible. We work through issues constructively across this chamber in order to make a positive difference.

What my government has been able to do, unlike many governments right around the world, is see us through really difficult economic times while making sure that we put that downward pressure on inflation, while we are also looking after people on the way through. My job is also, as a Labor Prime Minister, to support jobs, and some 980,000 of them have been created since we came into office.

The other thing we have done of course is increase wages. Increasing wages is making a difference including for aged-care workers, for childcare workers. That legislation was introduced here earlier today. When it comes to gender issues, we have the lowest gender pay gap on record. We have engaged in our childcare reforms, paid parental leave and super on paid parental leave, making a difference in those areas. We have introduced and started the National Anti-Corruption Commission, something that was promised by previous governments but never done. On housing, we have a $32 billion Homes for Australia plan, some of which is still being blocked by the Greens and the coalition in the Senate. We will wait and see how they vote next week.

We are dealing with the immediate pressures which are there whilst also having a plan for the future that includes taking advantage of the global transition to net zero that is so important. We have a 43 per cent reduction target by 2030 that is legislated and net zero by 2050 that is legislated. But you don't get there by hoping and wishing. You get there by having serious policies that drive the change through; hence, the Safeguard Mechanism, the capacity scheme, the National Reconstruction Fund. All of these programs are making a difference as we go forward. That is how you take advantage. Making sure communities are not left behind is why we have the net zero authority as well, making a difference, so that we train Australians for the jobs of the future.


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