House debates

Tuesday, 8 October 2024

Constituency Statements

Covid-19: Response

4:18 pm

Photo of Russell BroadbentRussell Broadbent (Monash, Independent) Share this | Hansard source

It's a pleasure for me to speak today on a critical issue that has been an issue for me for some time. Today I hosted in the House, from the Australian Medical Professionals' Society, AMPS, Dr Chris Neal, Dr Jeyanthi Kunadhasan and Kara Thomas. With them were Professor Angus Dalgleish and Dr Paul Marik. Professor Dalgleish is an imminent virologist; immunologist; medical oncologist; general physician; professor at St Georges, University of London; fellow of both the UK and Australian Royal Colleges of Physicians; and fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists. He has over 500 publications in peer reviewed literature and over 25,000 citations.

Dr Paul Marik is a former tenured professor of medicine and chief of pulmonary and critical care medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical School. His training is in internal medicine, critical care, pharmacology and anaesthesia. He has over 500 peer-reviewed journal articles, 80 book chapters and four critical care books. He's been cited over 54,000 times in peer-reviewed publications and is a founding member of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance.

These two gentlemen have an amazing message for us. They are eminent doctors who have made significant contributions to medicine and the advancement of patient care over the decades of their lives. We would do well to pay attention to their message. But the problem is that their message, if given out only a few short months ago, would be deemed as misinformation or disinformation under the bill that's coming before the House, which is further censorship of scientists, censorship of health professionals and censorship of doctors and nurses.

It's been a pleasure to have them in the House and hear the message that such eminent people gave around the whole history of the COVID response, not only the COVID response but the effect it's had on so many millions of people across the world. We would do well to listen to such eminent people, to change the way we're going about things and change the narrative—I say again: change the narrative—so that we can help vax-injured people like Kara Thomas, who this morning, out on the front lawns of the parliament, had the face of the fallen, and all those who have been severely affected by vaccine injuries. Thank you, Professor Dalgleish and Dr Paul Marik, for coming to this parliament today. It is greatly appreciated.


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