House debates

Tuesday, 8 October 2024

Constituency Statements


5:09 pm

Photo of Matt ThistlethwaiteMatt Thistlethwaite (Kingsford Smith, Australian Labor Party, Assistant Minister for Defence) Share this | Hansard source

Yesterday I joined members of Sydney's Jewish community in the eastern suburbs to commemorate the first anniversary of the shocking 7 October attacks. Together we paused to reflect on the horrific terrorist atrocity that reverberated around the globe a year ago. For our Jewish community, 7 October is a day that carries terrible pain. Over 1,200 innocent people died, and 250 people were taken hostage from their home, 97 of whom remain in tunnels under Gaza today. I unequivocally condemn Hamas's actions on 7 October, and we call for the hostages to be released immediately. This—

A division having been called in the House of Representatives—

Sitting suspended from 17:09 to 17:20

We all want an end to hostilities in the Middle East, but that cannot occur until the hostages are released. We unequivocally condemn all prejudice and hatred and the antisemitism that has unfortunately sprung up in Australia in the wake of the atrocity, and that includes, unfortunately, in the community that I represent. Kingsford-Smith is home to two synagogues, Coogee Synagogue and Mount Sinai. Coogee has been led by Rabbi Elozer Gestetner and Rebbetzin Miri Gestetner for over 40 years; Rabbi Gestetner is the longest continuously serving rabbi in Australia. The Coogee shul, known as the great little central synagogue by the sea, was founded in 1950 by Holocaust survivors who left the devastation of postwar Europe for a new beginning in our community. And then there's Mount Sinai in Maroubra, which was, again, established by Holocaust survivors.

Holocaust survivors are key volunteers at B'nai B'rith Courage to Care in Kensington. Since 1999, this organisation has had a travelling exhibition inspired by many stories of rescue and courage displayed by non-Jews who saved and helped Jews during the Holocaust. The living historians, survivors from the Holocaust including Miryam Wise and Ernie Freelander, share their story of the rescue and survival and explain the support they were given by others. Yet, in 2024, we still have cases of antisemitism in our country. Jewish parents who send their kids to schools such as Mount Sinai in Maroubra should not have to watch their kids go to school surrounded by security guards and fences.

We know that local consequences since the Hamas led attacks on October 7 have damaged already strained social cohesion here at home. Whatever your view of the Middle East conflict is, don't bring it back here. Don't bring hatred to Australia. We condemn the antisemitism that has arisen in our society. It must stop. These are acts against our national values. Every Australian deserves to live in peace, free from hatred.


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