House debates

Tuesday, 8 October 2024

Statements by Members

Good Neighbour Council Launceston

1:30 pm

Photo of Bridget ArcherBridget Archer (Bass, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source

I had the pleasure of joining with a wonderful community organisation last Friday as they celebrated their 75th anniversary. The end of World War II saw more than 170,000 displaced people arrive in Australia from countries across Europe between 1947 and 1954. Immigration departments were not set up to provide practical and essential support to our new arrivals, so they looked to the people and asked organisations and everyday Australians to become involved. And so the Good Neighbour movement was born, with 960 community agencies and thousands of volunteers across the country within a few short years.

Tasmania was there from the start. In November 1949, the Tasmanian Good Neighbour movement was founded. The Launceston branch was one of the first and, sadly, is now the last remaining branch in the country. With its original functions now largely overtaken by the work of migrant resource centres, the Good Neighbour Council Launceston has evolved as its members have aged. It now has some funding support through the aged-care portfolio, but it remains GNC's mission to ensure its members are not isolated, by providing opportunities for group and individual social support.

Friday's celebration was a testament to that, with a joyous gathering of members and supporters reminiscing about 75 years of fun, friendship and care. Highlights were the young singers, the flag parade, Chris's trip down memory lane and, of course, the cake. Thank you to the Good Neighbour Council Launceston. Congratulations on your 75th birthday. May there be many more ahead.


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