House debates

Tuesday, 8 October 2024

Statements by Members


1:55 pm

Photo of Tania LawrenceTania Lawrence (Hasluck, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

The people of the electorate of Hasluck have been telling me that they know the government is listening and they know that if the member for Dickson had been Prime Minister over the last two years then wages wouldn't be up. He wouldn't have supported an increase to the minimum wage. He wouldn't have supported better wages for aged-care workers. He wouldn't have supported better pay for childcare workers.

The people of Hasluck know that if the opposition leader had been the Prime Minister there wouldn't have been a tax cut for every Australian worker, there wouldn't have been two consecutive budget surpluses and there wouldn't even have been action on supermarket prices. People in Hasluck know that the government is listening, and they know that the coalition have no answers. They do know that the Liberals and Nationals don't support wage increases for Australian workers. They do know that the Liberals and Nationals don't support fair working conditions for Australian workers. The Liberals and Nationals won't even do the work to ensure that Australian shoppers get a fair deal at the supermarket and farmers get a fair deal at the farm gate.

Australians deserve of a future of opportunities—a future that includes jobs, security and prosperity. Labor is making one for every person in Hasluck and for people across the country.


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