House debates

Tuesday, 8 October 2024


Petitions Committee; Report

4:36 pm

Photo of Susan TemplemanSusan Templeman (Macquarie, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

I present report No. 32 on the Standing Committee on Petitions.

The report read as follows—



Petitions and Ministerial Responses

8 October 2024


Chair Ms Susan Templeman MP

Deputy Chair Mr Ross Vasta MP

Mr Sam Birrell MP

Ms Alison Byrnes MP

Ms Lisa Chesters MP

Mr Garth Hamilton MP

Ms Tracey Roberts MP

Ms Meryl Swanson MP

This committee is supported by staff of the Department of the House of Representatives

Report summarising the petitions and ministerial responses being presented.

The committee met in private session in the 47th Parliament on 14 August and 21 August 2024.

1. The committee resolved to present the following 93 petitions in accordance with standing order 207:

Petitions certified on 14 August 2024

From 65 petitioners—requesting the harmonisation of laws relating to protection orders and changes to the way in which domestic violence cases are handled (EN6395)

From 105 petitioners—requesting that purchases of personal lifesaving equipment be made tax deductible (EN6396)

From 12 petitioners—requesting bulk-billing for dental treatment (EN6397)

From 4 petitioners—regarding the impact of housing costs on child support payments (EN6398)

From 78 petitioners—regarding concerns about the human rights of members of the Montagnards Stand for Justice organisation in Vietnam (EN6399)

From 3 petitioners—regarding the Australian Defence Force's procurement process (EN6401)

From 5 petitioners—regarding the Australian Defence Force Reserves (EN6402)

From 4 petitioners—requesting the prohibition of nuclear energy (EN6403)

From 16 petitioners—regarding driving tests for people with autism spectrum disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (EN6404)

From 5 petitioners—requesting an investigation into allegations of racial discrimination at the University of Tasmania (EN6405)

From 28 petitioners—requesting that the age of eligibility to access superannuation and Age Pension payments be reduced for Indigenous Australians (EN6407)

From 12 petitioners—requesting that Australia transition to a system of voluntary voting (EN6408)

From 10 petitioners—requesting the repeal of newly introduced legislation relating to e-cigarettes and vaping products (EN6409)

From 5 petitioners—requesting that Australia provide coal to Ukraine as humanitarian aid (EN6410)

From 6 petitioners—requesting an amendment to section 591 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (EN6412)

From 29 petitioners—requesting updated legislation to protect copyright material from being harvested by generative artificial intelligence (EN6413)

From 11 petitioners—regarding the role of the public service in developing regulations (EN6414)

From 10 petitioners—requesting legalisation of the sale of vaping products (EN6415)

From 7 petitioners—requesting the forced divestiture of stores by specific retailers (EN6416)

From 15 petitioners—requesting the prohibition of messenger ribonucleic acid technologies (EN6417)

From 3 petitioners—requesting the forced conscription of people in prison (EN6419)

From 121 petitioners—requesting an onshore application process for Sponsored Parent (Temporary) visa (subclass 870) extensions (EN6420)

From 6 petitioners—regarding concerns related to Australia's preferential voting system (EN6421)

From 5 petitioners—regarding requirements for governors-general (EN6422)

From 11 petitioners—requesting reduced immigration into Western Australia (EN6427)

From 1161 petitioners—requesting the appointment of a Minister for Men and Boys (EN6428)

From 13 petitioners—regarding the safe disposal of electronic vapes (EN6429)

From 6 petitioners—requesting recognition of convict settlers (EN6430)

From 86 petitioners—requesting changes to the way the Family Tax Benefit is calculated (EN6431)

From 32 petitioners—requesting that financial literacy be included in the Australian Curriculum (EN6434)

From 5 petitioners—requesting that new motor vehicles be required to have a full-size spare wheel (EN6436)

From 145 petitioners—requesting that the Australian Government support the implementation of the domestic violence disclosure scheme known as Clare's Law (EN6437)

From 55 petitioners—requesting that the House declare its position on Israel's actions in Gaza (EN6439)

From 23 petitioners—requesting additional carer's leave for parents of young children (EN6440)

From 109 petitioners—requesting a pathway to permanent residency for people who lived and worked in Australia during the COVID-19 pandemic (EN6443)

From 14 petitioners—requesting the removal of the cap on the number of hours that international students are allowed to work (EN6444)

From 6 petitioners—requesting mandatory paternity testing for newborns (EN6445)

From 10 petitioners—requesting additional measures to prevent bias in reporting by the Australian Broadcasting Commission (EN6446)

From 11 petitioners—requesting that funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency be ceased (EN6447)

From 4 petitioners—regarding concerns related to COVID-19 vaccinations (EN6448)

From 21 petitioners—requesting that online poker be legalised in Australia (EN6452)

From 268 petitioners—requesting the appointment of a Minister for Older Australians (EN6454)

From 13 petitioners—requesting that medicinal cannabis be covered by Medicare (EN6455)

From 298 petitioners—requesting a reduction in processing times for Permanent Residence (Skilled Regional) Visa (Subclass 191) applications (EN6456)

From 43 petitioners—requesting that fexofenadine be included in the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (EN6457)

From 4 petitioners—requesting that notice be provided to the community prior to artillery or explosives exercises at Holsworthy Barracks (EN6460)

From 531 petitioners—regarding the medical requirements for Permanent Residence (Skilled Regional) Visa (Subclass 191) applications (EN6463)

From 7 petitioners—requesting the removal of the 2% Lifetime Health Cover loading on private hospital cover (EN6465)

From 2 petitioners—regarding concerns related to human rights in Bangladesh (EN6466)

From 1 petitioner—requesting that the Australian Government respond to allegations of human rights violations in Bangladesh (EN6470)

From 2 petitioners—requesting that the Australian Government address allegations of human rights violations in Bangladesh (EN6471)

From 53 petitioners—requesting that the Australian Government condemn Israel's occupation of the West Bank (EN6472)

From 171 petitioners—requesting that 21 July be recognised as a public holiday and referred to as National Oscar Piastri Day (EN6474)

From 201 petitioners—requesting that the Australian Government respond to alleged human rights violations in Hong Kong (EN6475)

From 5 petitioners—requesting legalisation of dry herb vaporisers (EN6476)

From 13 petitioners—requesting increased support to assist people on low incomes or receiving a pension to access dental treatment (EN6479)

From 308 petitioners—requesting that a furniture company be referred to the appropriate regulator for investigation (EN6483)

From 2100 petitioners—requesting the removal of clawback charges to finance brokers (EN6484)

From 1502 petitioners—requesting that hypnotherapy treatments be included in the Medicare Benefits Schedule (EN6485)

From 24 petitioners—requesting changes to the way child support payments are calculated (EN6489)

From 4 petitioners—regarding concerns relating to COVID-19 vaccinations (EN6491)

From 2 petitioners—regarding concerns relating to COVID-19 vaccinations (EN6493)

From 66 petitioners—requesting that immigration be reduced (EN6494)

From 3 petitioners—requesting that the sale of nitrous oxide canisters be prohibited (EN6495)

From 38 petitioners—requesting that the House recognise the state of Palestine (EN6497)

From 50 petitioners—regarding the National Redress Scheme (EN6498)

From 1 petitioner—requesting restrictions on home shopping advertisements (EN6499)

From 7 petitioners—requesting the establishment of a publicly owned airline (EN6500)

From 37 petitioners—requesting the establishment of a Federal Judicial Commission (EN6501)

From 93 petitioners—requesting that increases to the alcohol excise be ceased (EN6504)

From 70 petitioners—requesting that the indexation of HECS-HELP debts be ceased (EN6508)

From 10 petitioners—regarding concerns related to Australia's preferential voting system (EN6514)

From 6 petitioners—requesting that the Australian Government lift sanctions against Syria (EN6516)

From 2 petitioners—regarding alleged human rights violations in Bangladesh (EN6517)

From 323 petitioners—requesting a reduction in processing times for Employer Nomination Scheme visa (subclass 186) applications (EN6518)

From 2 petitioners—regarding violence against students in Bangladesh (EN6519)

From 6 petitioners—regarding the Fair Work Commission (EN6522)

From 2 petitioners—regarding alleged human rights violations in Bangladesh (EN6525)

From 846 petitioners—requesting an increase in the rebates for physiotherapy treatments provided to Department of Veterans' Affairs clients (EN6526)

From 180 petitioners—requesting a reduction in processing times for Partner visa applications (EN6527)

Petitions certified on 21 August 2024

From 102 petitioners—requesting legislation to prohibit misinformation in political advertising and communications (EN6530)

From 345 petitioners—requesting that funding be provided to veterinary hospitals and practices for wildlife care (EN6532)

From 50 petitioners—requesting the removal of the title 'Honourable' from all Members of Parliament (EN6533)

From 118 petitioners—regarding concerns relating to allegations of domestic violence (EN6536)

From 5 petitioners—requesting that further details about property ownership be included on the Register of Members' Interests (EN6537)

From 31 petitioners—requesting that Rachael Gunn be appointed to the role of Governor-General (EN6539)

From 1 petitioner—regarding the shortage of qualified tradespeople (EN6541)

From 28 petitioners—requesting a temporary halt on the granting of new visas (EN6543)

From 185 petitioners—requesting a pathway to permanent residency for people who engaged in farmwork during the COVID-19 pandemic (EN6544)

From 9 petitioners—regarding concerns related to the treatment of the Cham Bani community in Vietnam (EN6545)

From 12 petitioners—requesting a reduction in processing times for Prospective Marriage visa (subclass 300) applications (EN6546)

From 85 petitioners—requesting changes to allow prevocational doctors to work in general practice (EN6547)

From 130 petitioners—regarding concerns related to the Digital ID Act 2024(EN6548)

2. The following 25 ministerial responses to petitions were received.

Ministerial responses received by the Committee on 11 September 2024

From the Minister for the Environment and Water to a petition regarding plans to protect lands, seas, habitats, and species (EN4145)

From the Treasurer to a petition regarding the Meal Entertainment Card salary packaging maximum limit for aged care and disability workers (EN4246)

From the Minister for the Environment and Water to a petition regarding concerns related to geoengineering (EN4406)

From the Minister for the Environment and Water to a petition regarding the impact of the amphibian chytrid fungus on the Baw Baw frog (EN4441)

From the Treasurer to a petition regarding the classification of Bitcoin for Australian tax purposes (EN4470)

From the Attorney-General to a petition requesting the criminalisation false or misleading statements made by public officials in relation to climate change (EN4671)

From the Assistant Minister for Competition, Charities and Treasury to a petition regarding supermarket profiteering during the cost-of-living crisis (EN5209)

From the Treasurer to a petition regarding interest rate rises (EN5281)

From the Assistant Minister for Competition, Charities and Treasury to a petition regarding supermarket pricing practices in relation to Australian farmers (EN5495)

From the Minister for Climate Change and Energy to a petition requesting new energy policies that provide relief to families and industry (EN6053)

From the Minister for Industry and Science to a petition regarding the impacts of artificial intelligence on the creative arts (EN6054)

From the Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme to a petition regarding concerns relating to the responsiveness of the National Disability Insurance Agency (EN6084)

From the Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs to a petition regarding the Skilled—Recognised Graduate (subclass 476) visa (EN6093)

From the Minister for Defence to a petition requesting information about the memorandum of understanding signed by Australia and Israel in 2017 (EN6122)

From the Minister for Communications to a petition regarding concerns related to the 5G network and associated infrastructure (EN6123)

From the Minister for the Environment and Water to a petition requesting regulations to prohibit carbon capture and storage in the Great Artesian Basin (EN6134)

From the Minister for Defence to a petition requesting that an F/A-18 'Classic' Hornet be allocated to the Queensland Air Museum (EN6153 and PN0608)

From the Minister for Foreign Affairs to a petition requesting that the Australian Government impose sanctions on Israeli officials and businesses operating in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (EN6171)

From the Minister for the Environment and Water to a petition regarding the closure of national parks (EN6179)

From the Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme to a petition requesting that endometriosis be recognised as a permanent disability under List D Conditions in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (EN6251)

From the Minister for Finance to a petition regarding concerns related to the Digital ID Act 2024 (EN6286)

From the Minister for Health and Aged Care to a petition requesting a review of the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code to allow companion dogs in indoor dining areas (EN6338)

From the Minister for Education to a petition requesting an improvement in conditions for Higher Degree by Research students (EN6358)

From the Leader of the House to a petition requesting that Members be prohibited from using mobile phones during Question Time (EN6386)

From the Minister for Communications to a petition regarding the capacity of battery supply at the Telstra Speewah Exchange (PN0611)

Ms Susan Templeman MP

Chair—Petitions Committee


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