House debates

Wednesday, 9 October 2024

Constituency Statements

Health Care, Scullin Electorate: Epping Tennis Club, Whittlesea Community Connections

11:57 am

Photo of Andrew GilesAndrew Giles (Scullin, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs) Share this | Hansard source

Health is a critical focus for the Albanese government, and I'm so pleased that, under the great work of Minister Butler, we are delivering improved health care for Australians around the country, and particularly in Melbourne's northern suburbs. Over the last few weeks I've had the opportunity to speak with many Scullin constituents about the Medicare urgent care clinic that has recently opened in Epping. I've heard firsthand so many stories about the great experiences locals are having at the clinic and how it is making it so much easier for people to see a doctor when loved ones need urgent care.

We're already seeing the service deliver benefits in Epping and the suburbs around it, and in Victoria more broadly. More than 40 per cent of presentations to existing urgent care clinics in Victoria have been outside of standard business hours, which means these clinics are filling a really important gap in service provision over extended evening hours and over the weekend too. One in four of these visits involves treating a person under 15, so I recognise, as so many families do, that this is critical for people seeking care for their children. This critical investment, together with others like the endometriosis and pelvic pain clinic that has also recently opened in Epping and the Victorian Aboriginal health service facility newly opened in a South Morang, shows a real commitment to the healthcare needs of the communities of Melbourne's north.

Recently I had the great pleasure of introducing the Prime Minister to the great people of the Epping Tennis Club, and to lose a round with him. The northern suburbs boast really strong sporting communities, bringing together people and nurturing the next generation of talent. I want to particularly recognise the team at the Epping Tennis Club who've got a real commitment to introducing the great sport of tennis to newly arrived communities, people with disability and others who might not have the chance to contribute. The highly passionate and dedicated members of the club make a real difference to the community. That's why I was so pleased to introduce them and their great work to our Prime Minister, along with my great friend Lily D'Ambrosio, state member for Mill Park, and the people of Whittlesea Community Connections, to celebrate a great contribution to community through community sport.

Last month, I had the opportunity to be part of a great celebration with Whittlesea Community Connections: the launch of their Food Collective cafe and catering social enterprise. It was a real pleasure to meet the first 20 trainees, many from refugee backgrounds, who are already making quality food. This is a collective that's located as a social enterprise at the Epping Melbourne Polytechnic campus, delivering training and employment pathways for young people and people from migrant and refugee backgrounds. It's making a big difference to their lives and also building a much stronger community. This is the difference government makes when it listens to communities and engages with their needs.


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