House debates

Wednesday, 9 October 2024

Questions without Notice


10:40 am

Photo of Anthony AlbaneseAnthony Albanese (Grayndler, Australian Labor Party, Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source

I was indeed also in her electorate last Friday, in Cabramatta with my friend Tu Le, walking through the electorate and talking to constituents. I must say that it was a very warm welcome that I received in that wonderful multicultural community that she represents in this place.

With the issue of energy relief, the recent figures show a decrease, a drop, that has occurred. The member, from memory, also voted for energy bill relief that we introduced into this chamber. It was for $300. In addition to that, you've had the New South Wales government, under the former coalition, which, unlike this coalition here, actually supported energy bill relief. They also supported the unprecedented action that we took to put a cap on gas and coal prices. We understood that, because of those global factors, there was a need for intervention. That was something that was opposed by those opposite but was supported overwhelmingly by the crossbench both in this House and in the Senate. We'll continue to address cost-of-living relief, whether it be energy, the medicine price relief that her constituents would have benefited from, the cheaper child care that they would have benefited from and the fee-free TAFE that they would have benefited from.

I look forward to visiting the electorate of Fowler regularly over the coming months, where, no doubt, I will talk with her constituents about the needs that they have in that important part of south-west Sydney.


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