House debates

Wednesday, 9 October 2024

Statements by Members

Labor Government

12:26 pm

Photo of Zaneta MascarenhasZaneta Mascarenhas (Swan, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

Labor is delivering. Labor is delivering for everyday Aussies like me who want a better future for our children, for our seniors who want to retire in dignity. Labor is delivering a future that is sustainable, a future that is safe, a future with promise, a future with opportunity. Labor is delivering tangible, helpful, responsible measures to help everyday Aussies. How? Labor's approach is clear, and it's about earning more and keeping more of what you earn. Fairer tax cuts, a fairer work place, a fairer country—Labor is delivering. Creating a fairer Australia, creating a more prosperous Australia, creating a better Australia not just for a few but for everyone.

In Swan I see it every day when I am back in WA. People say to me that they are very grateful for getting $700 off their electricity bill thanks to the Cook and Albanese Labor governments working together. It is making a big difference. Students are saying they are thrilled to see their student debt has gone down thanks to our changes to indexation. This is what Labor does; we deliver for everyday Aussies day in, day out. We are indeed delivering.


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