House debates

Wednesday, 9 October 2024


National Broadband Network Companies Amendment (Commitment to Public Ownership) Bill 2024; Second Reading

9:42 am

Photo of Aaron VioliAaron Violi (Casey, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source

We finally had the question answered as to why we had to rush this bill forward and why it's been placed in the House two hours before the shadow minister's briefing. We need to go through the timeline of the last 24 hours to understand why the PM just stood on his feet to give that speech. We saw yesterday, in question time, a disgraceful, personal attack against the shadow Treasurer. It was an insult to many and to everyone in the disability community. Many in the disability community are outraged, rightly, about the attack that the PM made yesterday on the shadow Treasurer. We didn't hear anything from the Prime Minister until—


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