House debates

Wednesday, 9 October 2024

Statements by Members

Page Electorate: Sport

12:40 pm

Photo of Kevin HoganKevin Hogan (Page, National Party, Shadow Minister for Trade and Tourism) Share this | Hansard source

I'd like to congratulate and acknowledge Karri Williams from my community, who was recently named the best open women's regional rugby league player of the year. At a local level, Karri plays halfback for the Northern United Dirawongs from Lismore. In 2021, Karri was selected to play for the First Nations Gems to compete in the NRL Women's National Championships. This was an incredible achievement and shows how talented she is. Coach Chris Binge has said that Karri is the best country women's football player he has seen, as shown through her recent award and recognition. I'd like to congratulate her for getting the best open women's regional rugby league player of the year. I also congratulate Jadha King from the Northern United Dirawongs, who finished in the top five of the best open women's regional rugby league players. I'd also like to extend my acknowledgements to the Northern United Dirawongs, who are the 2024 women's rugby league champions from Lismore, and their coach, Chris Binge, for all his support and dedication.


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