House debates

Thursday, 10 October 2024


His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, Greek Australian Community

4:35 pm

Photo of Steve GeorganasSteve Georganas (Adelaide, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

Today I'd like to speak about a very important visitor to our nation, and that is His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, leader and head of the Greek Orthodox Church. The visit of His All-Holiness is a great honour to our nation. Of course, it is of tremendous historic significance and is very important to our Greek community all over Australia. He's here to commemorate 100 years of the establishment of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese here in Australia. His All-Holiness is based in Istanbul, where the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople has been located since the 4th century AD. His All-Holiness is the 270th Archbishop of Constantinople.

Patriarch Bartholomew has jurisdiction over different territories, including Asia Minor, diaspora here in Australia, America, Western Europe and many other places, and he is renowned as the head of the Greek Orthodox Church. His theological focus has been on spiritual revival, orthodoxy, unity and Christian reconciliation, interfaith tolerance and coexistence and, very importantly, protection of the environment and a world united in peace, justice, solidarity and love. He is known as the Green Patriarch for his environmental protection statements and is active in interfaith activities, particularly in building links with the Catholic Church.

Patriarch Bartholomew's last visit to Australia was 28 years ago in 1996 and is remembered by Australia's Greek Orthodox community with great warmth and appreciation. It was the first-ever visit by an ecumenical patriarch to Australia. I recall that visit because he visited my son's primary school at the time, St George College, and I have a wonderful photograph of him with my eight-year-old son—who is now in his late 30s—sitting on the wall in my electorate office. Australia is home to a significant Greek Orthodox community, which has a population of over 400,000 people across the nation. As I said, this year marks 100 years since the establishment of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia. There are now more than 120 parishes across the country.

This visit is a poignant moment for Orthodox Christians across the nation and provides a demonstration of the ongoing ties between their religion, their faith, for many their birthplace and the home of our faith and the new lives so many have built here in Australia. We know the Greek Australian community is such a vibrant part of Australia's identity across all parts of our society, through business, politics, the arts, sport and public service. His All-Holiness will spend two weeks in Australia meeting with Greek Australian communities, Orthodox parishioners, political interfaith leaders and community groups. I know that the Prime Minister met with and hosted him last weekend in Sydney, where the Prime Minister had the opportunity to welcome His All-Holiness. This coming Sunday and this coming week, the Orthodox faithful of Victoria and Melbourne will host the celebration of the Patriarchal Divine Liturgy at the Margaret Court Arena, where an estimated 5,000 to 10,000 people will be in attendance. There will be a national youth parade at the Kia Arena in addition to a formal reception for His All-Holiness at the Grand Hall in Melbourne. I know my very good friend the member for Calwell, Maria Vamvakinou, will proudly be in attendance. I hope to attend with her if my schedule allows me, this weekend.

We look forward to welcoming him. It is a significant event for the Greek community in Australia and for all the parishioners. It will be his second visit to Australia. I've had the opportunity to meet him on three occasions, once in Adelaide many years ago in 1996, as I said, and twice when I visited Istanbul, went to his office and met with him. On both occasions he was very welcoming. He told me all about his love for Australia, and the parishioners in Australia, and how much he wanted to visit. Well, the visit has come to fruition, and many of the Greek Orthodox faith will be joining the services this weekend.


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