House debates

Thursday, 10 October 2024

Constituency Statements

Youth Voice In Parliament Week, Infrastructure

9:33 am

Photo of Mike FreelanderMike Freelander (Macarthur, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

I'm delighted to represent the winner of the Macarthur Raise Our Voice campaign, Lania Saumamao, and stand here in this parliament to read her winning entry:

My name is Lania, I am 18 years old and as the School Captain at Campbelltown Performing Arts High School, I have seen the profound impact of rapid urbanisation on our Macarthur community. The growth and verticalization of our area, while bringing in new opportunities, have also led to cramped spaces, outdated infrastructure, and a troubling increase in pollution, especially in areas like Queen Street in the Campbelltown CBD.

In the next 10 years, I envision Campbelltown evolving further into a 'green city'—a community that prioritises open, green spaces, celebrates our native flora and fauna, and embraces modern, sustainable infrastructure. By doing so, we can not only enhance the beauty and functionality of our community but also foster a stronger sense of belonging and pride among residents.

This transformation requires commitment and collaboration. I believe that with additional federal funding, we can maintain and expand our green spaces, plant more native plants, and revitalise our outdated buildings and shops. This investment is not just about aesthetics; it's about creating a healthier, more vibrant environment that meets the needs of our rapidly growing population.

I believe by working together with community members, local leaders, schools and businesses this vision would become a reality. Together, we can ensure that Campbelltown stands as a model for sustainable urban development, where the environment and community thrive hand in hand.

Very well said, Lania; I couldn't have put it better myself.

I believe Lania's views are shared by a great number of people in Macarthur, including me. I will continue to advocate to our councils and to state and federal governments for greater green spaces, for wildlife protections and for community areas that are smarter and more lifestyle friendly.

I am very frustrated by the constant urban development that has occurred in south-west Sydney and the lack of infrastructure to go with it—be it in health, transport or education—that should be provided to these new areas but isn't. This also includes poor planning for environmental protections, particularly for our koalas. I believe every generation has a duty to ensure that the generation that follows inherits a community that is better than the last. We must do better with our local infrastructure, particularly for our young people.

My electorate is in one of the most rapidly growing areas in Australia. In fact, my electorate has recently had some major boundary changes because it is the biggest electorate in the country by population. Yet state governments and federal governments have not provided the infrastructure. For example, they haven't provided a public transport link to the new Western Sydney airport from south-west Sydney. This is terrible, and it's a great shame that this has not happened either under previous governments or under this government.


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