House debates

Thursday, 10 October 2024

Statements by Members

Labor Government

1:34 pm

Photo of Tony ZappiaTony Zappia (Makin, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

Labor understands that living costs are high for many Australian families. That's why the Albanese Labor government has delivered tax cuts for all taxpayers, energy bill relief for households and small businesses, wage rises for childcare and aged-care workers, cheaper medicines, more bulk-billed GP visits, including a bulk-billing urgent care clinic in my electorate of Makin, increased rent assistance and free TAFE courses. Labor will cut $3 billion off student debt and is taking action to prevent price rorting by supermarkets. Labor has done all that whilst delivering two budget surpluses, lowering inflation and getting more people into work. But what has been the response from the Dutton-led coalition? It has been to oppose all of Labor's assistance measures, to float a vague, uncosted, expensive nuclear energy policy—which, even if it was an option, is years if not decades away—and to cut $315 billion of government expenditure, which we know is code for cuts to pensions, cuts to welfare programs, cuts to Medicare and cuts to public service jobs. We know there is more to do, and Labor is focused on easing living costs, whilst the opposition leader's only plan is to be obstructive.


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