House debates

Thursday, 10 October 2024

Statements by Members

Aircraft Noise

1:44 pm

Photo of Terry YoungTerry Young (Longman, Liberal National Party) Share this | Hansard source

Bribie Island is a little piece of paradise in the electorate of Longman and, as more and more people discover that South-East Queensland is probably the best destination in Australia, our airport has grown and the number of flights has increased. As a result, the air traffic on the flight paths going over Bribie Island has become quite horrific. Airservices Australia have been approached by many of the people on Bribie Island, and unfortunately, to this date, those people haven't been heard. We had organised a drop-in session back in August but, unfortunately, they weren't able to attend because of illness, so that has now been rescheduled until the first quarter of next year. So I want to say to the people on Bribie Island, please keep an eye out. Let me know and I'll keep you up to date with when the drop-in session will be.

Bribie Island is 90 per cent national park and, for the life of us, we cannot understand why the flight path can't be moved just a few kilometres north so that it's not going over this populated area, which, by the way, has the oldest average population in Queensland. These people, needless to say, don't like a lot of air traffic, particularly at night, when they're trying to sleep. So I'm asking for common sense to prevail. I wrote to the minister. Unfortunately I didn't get much of a reply, but, hopefully, between Airservices Australia, the people of Bribie and me, we can sort it out and have a commonsense solution to this real problem.


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