House debates

Thursday, 10 October 2024

Statements by Members

Mental Health

1:55 pm

Photo of Matt BurnellMatt Burnell (Spence, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

Today, 10 October, is World Mental Health Day. I can't stress enough how important this subject is, because Aussies who can talk to someone about their mental health and who can receive quality care and support when they need it are given the best opportunity to thrive—to thrive not just in their personal lives but also in the workplace, our nation's engine room, where we spend a third of our lifetime. I point that out because the Productivity Commission estimates that tens of billions of dollars are taken from our economy every year from poor mental health at work alone. This government's investment in mental health is addressing that issue, helping everyday Aussies on the ground while supporting a stronger, more productive economy around them.

This is happening right now in my electorate of Spence, with the opening of the Medicare mental health centre in Elizabeth in June this year, one of over 60 across the country being delivered by the Albanese Labor government. That followed the announcement in April of this year of a new headspace in Gawler, which will open in 2025, as part of a $290 million investment by the government. Efforts like these in Spence and across the country are helping to boost our economy by putting everyday Aussies and their mental health first in our communities, which is most important of all.


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