House debates

Thursday, 10 October 2024

Questions without Notice


2:29 pm

Photo of Michelle RowlandMichelle Rowland (Greenway, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Communications) Share this | Hansard source

The recommendations go to two areas. The first is in terms of reductions in gambling harms and the second is the way they can be implemented. The point I'm making to the honourable member—and I know she asked this question from a good place—is that we need to understand, but we also need to ensure that the impacts in responding to this report achieve their desired outcomes. To give some examples of that, the need to be forward looking and comprehensive in this response necessitates a response that is not only whole of government but also whole of nation. We're doing this through looking at areas where exposure might not yet be prevalent but could be in future. We're also looking at areas in which we need to ensure that there is a strong legislative response from the outset. So, these are complex areas. We're determined to make a difference. And the status quo, particularly in relation to advertising, is unacceptable. (Time expired)


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