House debates

Thursday, 10 October 2024

Questions without Notice

Online Gambling

2:37 pm

Photo of Michelle RowlandMichelle Rowland (Greenway, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Communications) Share this | Hansard source

I thank the member for his question and again acknowledge his work and the fact this is obviously an issue which impacts many people in all our communities. The government is committed to responding comprehensively to the Murphy report. I have put on the record, as have other ministers, that it is our strong intention to be able to deliver on that this year. We are working towards that. As I said, it is a complex area.

I would point out for the member's benefit that under the previous government—of which he was not a member, and he may not be aware of this—there was tinkering with the rules around advertising of broadcast of wagering, and it actually resulted, under the former government, in an increase in advertising—especially on regional TV. There was no comprehensive response provided. We are very determined to ensure that the response we have covers whole of government, goes to all the recommendations in the Murphy report and actually delivers not only legislative and regulatory but cultural change. We are committed to achieving this, and I'm sure all like-minded members of this House are committed to achieving this. I look forward to working with the honourable member to ensure this comes to fruition.


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