House debates

Tuesday, 19 November 2024

Statements by Members

I'Hanson, Mr Kohen, Mitchel, Mr Kia

1:46 pm

Photo of Gordon ReidGordon Reid (Robertson, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

My office recently had a plumbing issue that required immediate and expert attention. We were fortunate to receive a visit from local Avoca Beach plumber Kohen I'Anson. Kohen comes from an extensive line of plumbers. Eight members of his family have completed their plumbing trade, which is certainly an impressive lineage of family history.

Kohen was able to rectify our plumbing issue marvellously, which the whole team and I were appreciative of. We continued chatting to Kohen and became aware that he and Kia Mitchel, also from Avoca Beach, recently competed in the WorldSkills regional competition for plumbing and heating, hosted by TAFE NSW. The event took place at Wyong during July this year, and a direct quote from WorldSkills, Hunter was, 'Both students competed at a very high standard, with Kia being awarded a bronze medal.'

The feedback from clients of the businesses that these young plumbers work for is exemplary, and their TAFE teachers have applauded their efforts. It is fair to say that these two young men have done themselves and the Central Coast proud. Their families are equally as proud of the young men they are and the young men they are becoming.

A significant contributor to the success of Kohen and Kia is TAFE. TAFE continues to be there for working families across the nation, and we must never underestimate the power of TAFE and the role that it plays in supporting young people to achieve their dreams. The federal Labor government will continue to fight to maintain TAFE's position as the leading provider of vocational education and training across Australia.


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