House debates

Wednesday, 20 June 2007

  • (1 speech)
    Order! It being 7.30 pm, I propose the question: That the House do now adjourn.
  • Men’s and Fathers Family Friendly Policy Forum (1 speech)
    I rise tonight to talk about my impressions of a forum that I actually addressed the Main Committee about this morning. I was so impressed by what I experienced in that forum that I thought I...
  • Northern Territory: Greek Community (1 speech)
    In my electorate, we have a large Greek population. It is estimated that there are between 7,000 and 8,000 Greeks living in the Top End of the Northern Territory. Only recently I joined with...
  • Welfare to Work (1 speech)
    I say to the member for Solomon: yasu and well done. This evening I want to bring to the attention of this House some of the concerns local constituents in my electorate of Calwell have raised...
  • Surf-lifesaving Movement (1 speech)
    The year 2007 has been recognised as the International Year of the Surf Lifesaver—100 years of heroes, 100 summers of surf lifesaving. The year of the surf-lifesaver is a time to honour...
  • Commonwealth State Territory Disability Agreement (1 speech)
    Next week the current Commonwealth State Territory Disability Agreement, the CSTDA, which is the third agreement, will come to its end. This is the funding agreement by which accommodation,...
  • Community Crime (2 speeches)
    I rise to draw the attention of the House to the impact that antisocial behaviour, crime, even things like graffiti, and the pervading presence of drugs has on families in the communities in...