House debates

Thursday, 16 August 2007

  • Environment and Heritage Committee Report (2 speeches)
    Mr Speaker, I have a question to you. I refer to the Sustainable cities report of the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Environment and Heritage, dated August 2005, which was tabled...
  • Parliament House: Child Care (2 speeches)
    Mr Speaker, I have a question to you. Can you please advise whether or not a timetable has been developed to transform the staff bar into a childcare facility? Will you advise honourable members...
  • Breastfeeding (7 speeches)
    Mr Speaker, I am sure you are aware that the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Health and Ageing tabled a report last week entitled The best start, following an inquiry into the...
  • Questions in Writing (9 speeches)
    Mr Speaker, I seek your assistance under standing order 105(b) to attain answers to the following questions. Firstly, there is question No. 2332, which was asked of the Treasurer on 8 September...