House debates
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
Constituency Statements
Bass Electorate: Australian Youth Forum
9:57 am
Jodie Campbell (Bass, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Link to this | Hansard source
I wish to speak today in relation to the Australian Youth Forum. The AYF is run by the Rudd Labor government as a communication channel between the government and young people aged between 15 and 24 years as well as the organisations that work with, for and on behalf of young people. I had the pleasure of having Minister Kate Ellis in Launceston on 1 March to hold the second Youth Forum in the country within my electorate of Bass. The Launceston forum engaged young people and the youth sector in an ongoing public debate and opened the floor to getting input on important local issues and practical solutions that will affect young people’s lives now and into the future within the electorate. The AYF engages young people through the AYF website, and also in person at forums of this type within the community and through community activities. It brings young people, the youth sector and the Australian government closer together and gives young people the opportunity to be heard.
On this note, I would particularly like to mention Emma Malouf, a participant at the forum from St Michael’s Association. Emma is an amazing young woman who at this particular forum had the courage of her convictions to stand before a room of her peers and fellow youths and admit to once being a bully to her sister. Furthermore, she said that from her own experience of bullying at school due to her disability she realised what her sister must have gone through. This was a reflective moment in the forum where a lot of those present were extremely proud and open about their experiences.
In closing, I would like to thank Minister Ellis for coming to Bass at my request for a second time and hosting the Youth Forum. I would like to thank those present for their input and contribution on the day and I would also like to thank Rick Martin, who ran the event absolutely amazingly. The youth of today are indeed our future and I believe we as elected representatives need to continually engage and encourage them to voice their concerns and opinions. The AYF is effective in doing this and I commend the forum to all members of parliament and recommend the AYF as a real opportunity for everyone in this House to engage with young people so that young people and their voices can be heard.
Ms Anna Burke (Chisholm, Deputy-Speaker) Share this | Link to this | Hansard source
In accordance with standing order 193, the time for members’ constituency statements has concluded.