House debates

Friday, 23 September 2022



8:01 am

Photo of Mr Tony BurkeMr Tony Burke (Watson, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations) Share this | | Hansard source

by leave—I move:

That so much of the standing and sessional orders be suspended as would prevent the following:

(1) The arrangement of business for this sitting being as follows:

(a) the Leader of the House presenting the revised program of sittings for 2022 and moving that it be agreed to, with the question being put immediately without debate;

(b) the Prime Minister moving an Address in connection with the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second and accession to the throne of His Majesty King Charles the Third, and the Leader of the Opposition seconding the motion;

(i) the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition each having 15 minutes to speak;

(ii) the Deputy Prime Minister and the Leader of the Nationals each having 10 minutes to speak to the Address;

(iii) the Speaker then inviting Members to signify their respect and sympathy by rising in their places;

(iv) debate on the Address continuing, with other Members having up to 5 minutes each to speak; and

(v) when the Address is agreed to, the House being immediately adjourned as a mark of respect;

(c) if any Member draws the attention of the Speaker to the state of the House, the Speaker shall announce that he will count the House at 12 noon on Monday, 26 September 2022; and

(d) standing order 47 and standing order 121 being suspended for this sitting;

(2) that the determinations of the Selection Committee for private Members' business on Monday, 12 September 2022 apply for Monday, 26 September 2022; and

(3) any variation to this arrangement to be made only by a motion moved by a Minister.

Question agreed to.