House debates
Monday, 20 March 2023
Statements by Members
4:07 pm
Henry Pike (Bowman, Liberal National Party) Share this | Link to this | Hansard source
I recently had a year 12 student from Redlands College named Ellie Taylor join my office for work experience. She has raised an important, real issue that I'd like to share with you all. Ellie writes: 'In 2011 my family made the decision to move to Australia in search of a better life. Soon after my grandparents followed and settled in Brisbane to spend their retirement. My family has been severely impacted by the current rental crisis. My grandparents, aged 71, have relocated four times as a result of rentals either being sold or rising in value. Each townhouse has been progressively more expensive, forcing them to leave retirement and go back to work to survive. It hurts to see how much stress and pressure this has put on their shoulders. As a single mum, my mother often works overtime to pay our increasing rent. Salaries are staying the same but housing costs are only on the rise. My father has moved back to United Kingdom as he could not afford to live on his own here anymore. I haven't seen him in a year now. Rent prices are breaking up families. This issue goes far deeper than just money. Elderly citizens, single parents, young adults and families are all impacted by this. At this rate my generation will never be able to own their own home or afford to rent. I'm dreading moving out in a region where basic living is becoming unattainable.' I'd like to thank Ellie for the work she has done in my office this last fortnight and for raising this highly important issue.