House debates

Monday, 7 August 2023

Statements by Members

Garma Festival

1:52 pm

Photo of Andrew CharltonAndrew Charlton (Parramatta, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

'Garma' refers to the meeting of the fresh and salt water—a rich environment where life ideas can thrive and where competing ideas can balance. It's a shame that the opposition leader didn't attend this year. But Senator Price was asked about the leader's non-attendance on ABC News Breakfast this morning. Journalist Michael Rowland said, 'Was it wrong of Peter Dutton to not at least go to Garma to argue his case?' Senator Price replied: 'Look, I don't think so. Mr Dutton has been to Garma several times already.' Several times! This time mum was cooking a lamb roast, but he's been several times before. Then, in The Saturday Paper, there was another sighting. Paul Bongiorno says, 'The opposition leader who has attended Garma in the past will instead be campaigning for a rejection of the Voice.' There was another sighting of the opposition leader at Garma. He's like Elvis. People are seeing him everywhere at Garma.

Unfortunately, in 20 years of public life, not once has he attended Garma. Tony Abbott has been to Garma. Malcolm Turnbull has been to Garma. Scott Morrison has been to Garma. They've all been to Garma. The Leader of the Opposition's absence from Garma is so conspicuous and so preposterous that even his own minister can't quite believe he's never been there.