House debates

Tuesday, 8 August 2023

Statements by Members

Renewable Energy

1:32 pm

Photo of Michelle LandryMichelle Landry (Capricornia, National Party, Shadow Assistant Minister for Manufacturing) Share this | | Hansard source

Regional Queenslanders will be gathering in Brisbane on 22 August at midday to make their voices heard about their concerns on the reckless destruction of the environment for renewable energy. Communities from across Queensland are fighting back against the devastation caused by the rush to renewable energy targets. While Labor scramble to 80 per cent renewables by 2030, they are ignoring the legitimate concerns of residents whose lives and businesses will be directly impacted. The lack of legislative requirements is outrageous and is deeply impacting regional Australians. While graziers and cane farmers are required by law to adhere to strict reef regulation legislation and tree-clearing laws, renewable energy companies have open slather to demolish areas of protected native vegetation and endangered animal habitats. Regional Queenslanders are witness to the outcomes of poor legislative management with renewable energy projects. The environmental damage that will be caused because the renewable energy sector currently does not have to comply with any current regulations in Queensland, which include tree-clearing guidelines, reef legislation or environmental protocols that have been imposed on every other industry, is shameful. I will be standing side by side with constituents from my electorate of Capricornia and other regional Queenslanders to rally against reckless renewables.