House debates
Monday, 4 September 2023
Statements by Members
Braund, Mr Murray
1:43 pm
Gordon Reid (Robertson, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Link to this | Hansard source
I rise to acknowledge Murray Braund, one of Australia's most successful surf ski competitors and one of my constituents in Robertson. Mr Braund will this year be inducted into the Surf Life Saving Australia Hall of Fame in recognition of his outstanding achievements and contributions to surf lifesaving over 50 years.
Mr Braund is a distinguished surf ski paddler and competed at three world championships, seven Australian championships, five interstate championships and 13 New South Wales championships. He also captained the Australian surf lifesaving trans-Tasman team in 1982 and the New South Wales interstate team in 1974. In 1967, at the Australian championships, Mr Braund won both the single and double ski titles and went on to do the same in 1972, 1973 and 1974. His double ski partner, the late Greg Jarmaine, was also a Central Coast resident and a member of the Avoca Beach Surf Life Saving Club. Both continued to be lifelong friends outside the surf.
In 1972, Mr Braund was awarded the Royal Humane Society of New South Wales bronze medal for bravery, after saving the life of a young girl caught in dangerous surf. Mr Braund moved to the Central Coast in 1976 and joined the mighty Avoca Beach Surf Life Saving Club. He went on to help establish the club as one of Australia's strongest.
I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Mr Braund on this immense honour, of being recognised in the hall of fame, and I would also like to thank him for his dedication and service to surf lifesaving and his community over many years.