House debates

Tuesday, 5 September 2023

Statements by Members

Health Care

1:58 pm

Photo of Fiona PhillipsFiona Phillips (Gilmore, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

Friday 1 September was a great day. It was the day that cheaper medicines began, with 60-day dispensing for eligible patients with a chronic condition. I am delighted for the around 50,000 people in Gilmore that will benefit from this change. It will provide cost-of-living relief, and it will free up more GP appointments for those that need them the most. It will improve medicine compliance, meaning fewer trips to the GP and pharmacy, and save people time and money. What did those opposite do, with local Liberals in Gilmore? They shamefully opposed 60-day dispensing and cheaper medicines. They opposed our most vulnerable people having important cost-of-living relief through 60-day dispensing, despite doctors and patient groups saying this is good health policy. But I'm here today to let people know that I went to the election to reduce the cost of medicines. I'm proud to be part of the Albanese government, which has already reduced the maximum PBS co-payment from $42.50 to $30, saving people in Gilmore $772,000 in medicine costs on over 69,000 prescriptions. Now, we've implemented cheaper medicine through 60-day dispensing to halve medicine costs for people living with an ongoing chronic condition. I commend the Pharmacy Guild for dumping their abhorrent scare campaign, and I look forward to productive discussions through the next Community Pharmacy Agreement, because patients must always come before profit. (Time expired)

Photo of Milton DickMilton Dick (Speaker) Share this | | Hansard source

In accordance with standing order 43, the time for members' statements has concluded.