House debates
Wednesday, 6 September 2023
- Parkes Electorate: Aboriginal Constituents (1 speech)
One of the privileges of representing an electorate like mine is that you get to meet some very interesting people. Last week I got to meet some young ladies who were part of the Sistas in Trade... - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice (1 speech)
I want all Australians to achieve their full potential, and that includes Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. It's wonderful to hear the member for Parkes talk about his Aboriginal community... - Murray-Darling Basin Plan (1 speech)
I've been an optimistic sort of guy since I've come to this place, and I've tried to share that around as much as I can. But I do have to report that today is a very depressing day for my... - Macarthur Electorate: Roads (1 speech)
Over 20 koalas have died on Appin Road this year—there were another three yesterday—together with countless wallabies, wombats, possums, gliders, snakes, lizards and birds. I've lost... - National TAFE Day (1 speech)
Well, it's 10 to eight here in Parliament House tonight, and I just want to send a big shout-out to everyone who might have been at TAFE today or, indeed, who is at TAFE tonight, because today is... - Energy Prices (1 speech)
I rise tonight to inform people of a part explanation for why the Minister for Climate Change and Energy keeps standing up in this place and saying that renewable energy is the cheapest form of...