House debates

Thursday, 16 November 2023

Statements by Members

Bendigo Electorate: DJAARA

1:38 pm

Photo of Lisa ChestersLisa Chesters (Bendigo, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

Yesterday, 15 November, was a very special day for the people of my electorate and, in particular, for our First Nations people, the Dja Dja Wurrung. It marked exactly 10 years since they signed the historic first agreement with the State of Victoria which recognised them as the traditional owners and gave them settlement.

They have since had 10 years of management of Crown land in our area. It's the alternative pathway that we have in Victoria to using the High Court for traditional owners, and they have flourished. Our local DJAARA have done extraordinary things in the 10 years of management they've had. They are restoring our waterways and they're teaching all of us how better to manage our lands—whether it be water or land. They're restoring the health of our forests through cultural thinning—removing the trees that are creating competition with other trees.

They've also had a huge impact on our built environment by sharing with us their language. If it weren't for settlement and the relationship that's been built between our local First Nations people and our local council, the old Bendigo Gaol Theatre may still be called the old Bendigo Gaol Theatre. Instead, it's called Ulumbarra, a place to gather. The Kangaroo Flat Aquatic Centre may still just be the Kangaroo Flat Aquatic Centre. Instead, it's known as Gurri Wanyarra. These are some of the amazing achievements in my community. Congratulations DJAARA on a brilliant decade, and I look forward to the future of what we achieve together.