House debates

Monday, 26 February 2024

Constituency Statements

Fadden Electorate

10:48 am

Cameron Caldwell (Fadden, Liberal National Party) Share this | | Hansard source

Since we were last in Canberra, I've enjoyed hosting some of my colleagues in the electorate of Fadden. I recently had the opportunity to have the Deputy Leader of the Opposition, the member for Farrer, join me at the Gold Coast City Marina & Shipyard. I felt it was important for the deputy leader to see firsthand the thriving hub of commerce that Pat and Trenton Gay and their family business has developed in the northern Gold Coast. Located on the banks of the Coomera River in Coomera, the Gold Coast city marina is one of the most awarded shipyards and marinas in Australia. The Gay family's vision to create a one-stop shop has been achieved, with over 90 businesses partners and tenants co-existing within the facility. The Gold Coast city marina is an epicentre of manufacturing; boatbuilding; antifouling; IT and communications; detailing; electronics; engineering; hydraulics; welding; upholstery; logistics and more. Not only is the marine industry vital to a thriving Gold Coast economy but the Gold Coast city marina also highlights the capability in our local talent—ready to take on the world with bigger and more innovative projects, including the construction of a new drone vessel that will be on display in Canberra in coming months. In meeting with the chief operating officer, Andrew Chapman, the deputy leader was informed that the Gold Coast City Marina & Shipyard and the nearby Boat Works, run by the Longhurst family, are key pillars in delivering almost 5,000 jobs in the Gold Coast marine industry. I'm very grateful to the deputy leader for making time to meet some of the small and family businesses in Coomera, as we are the small-business capital of Australia.

I also hosted the shadow minister for regional development and local government, the member for Gippsland—who is here in the chamber today; welcome—for a roundtable with our city leaders. Among the attendees were the acting council CEO, Paul Callander, and five councillors whose divisions overlap with my electorate: Councillor Mark Hammel, Councillor Donna Gates, Councillor William Owen-Jones, Councillor Shelley Curtis and Councillor Brooke Patterson. The key theme of our discussion was how the federal government could do more to work collaboratively and seamlessly with the City of Gold Coast to deliver for our constituents. We reflected on the Christmas Day storms and our collaboration with the Minister for Emergency Management; opportunities for improvement in delivering critical infrastructure; legal support services; and arts and culture. Under the previous coalition government, we saw critical funding delivered through an array of successful initiatives, including the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program, which this Albanese Labor government has, unfortunately, decided to abandon.

The shadow minister and I also attended the student leadership ceremony at Arundel State School and caught up with the executive team at the Runaway Bay Bayhawks soccer club. The leadership team were showing us their new field lighting, which has been built since they received a grant of $500,000 from the former coalition government. Thank you to both shadows for visiting Fadden.