House debates

Monday, 26 February 2024

Statements by Members

Smibert, Mr Kelvin

4:09 pm

Photo of Tony PasinTony Pasin (Barker, Liberal Party, Shadow Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Transport) Share this | | Hansard source

On behalf of the Mount Gambier community and the broader Limestone Coast, I'd like to pay tribute to the life of the late Kelvin Smibert.

Kelvin was a member of Australia's greatest generation. From 1942 to 1946, Kelvin served as a Royal Australian Navy telegraphist. He was one of one million personnel who served under our flag, defending our country, our values and, quite frankly, our future. After his wartime service, Kelvin took up a soldier's settlement block at Poolaijelo before retiring close to Mount Gambier in 1988.

Kelvin was well known in Mount Gambier for the production of handmade art paper at Blue Lake Papermill. He was also an avid author and launched his book at the Mount Gambier Library titled, Who is Bill Jackson? In his later years, he enjoyed 3D modelling of Aboriginal cave art.

The Limestone Coast is richer for Kelvin's contributions and passion both for art and the geology of the region. Kelvin also selflessly donated multiple artworks, including from his own collection, to the Mount Gambier hospital to brighten the spaces at that facility. Kelvin was by nature a true community man who inspired and enriched the lives of many. He was a pioneer who will be deeply missed within the Limestone Coast community. Vale Kelvin Smibert.